Wednesday, December 28, 2011


It is almost 2012.  Time for the schools to change from a teacher focus to a student focus.   High school administrations like to voice they are preparing the student for college or work after high school.  This is too far of a goal for a student.  Every day in school IS the life of the student.  Every day in school IS when a student should listen, learn and do what assignment is given to them.  Every day in school IS the sole goal a student should strive to achieve.  While administration is measuring a daily teacher goal per the lesson plan preparation and diversity of content.  The student has the one goal - graduate.  What a wrong scenario.  The administration must stand with the teacher, not in evaluation only, and be sure each student comprehends and completes each daily assignment.  Each day is a lesson for the student to learn as each day is the life of the student.  My plea for 2012 is for every administrator to stand beside with the teacher and look at the students as a team to get the student on the path of daily focus and completion of assignment.   Each parent and teacher should join as a team to ensure the goal for the student is daily.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Be sure to take the opportunity to listen to the podcast about me and my book.  Thanks for listening.  Now you are ready to read the book and start a dialogue about parents, students and the educational system in the USA. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011


I have been amazed coming back to the USA from my work in Africa at what getting older means.  Too many people I meet have one goal when they have a career.  This goal is to have a paid retirement.  In Africa there was very little paid retirement.  In fact, about the only time a person would say they were going to retire meant they were going home to sleep and relax for the evening.  The next day that person would get up and do some gainful work.  As a person in Africa become an elder they would never retire only redefine themselves.  I am trying to redefine myself as I get older.  USA people my age do not understand what I am doing writing a book and working each day.  Most USA people only wish to stop gainful work and retire.  The Merriam-Webster dictionary has a meaning for retire which means ‘withdraw from action, use or service.’  It is always a good time to redefine and not only retire.  More elders need to keep the youth in their focus and to assist in guiding them.  When I discuss my book with grandparents or parents with grown children they seem not interested in the educational system.  Each person must not retire from the ‘grown-up’ position in front of the current youth generation.  So I shall keep on redefining myself and starting the dialogue as I write in my book.  Please join me, all ages.  No retiring.  Keep redefining yourself and sharing your experiences and lead the youth and their parental generation.  Read my book.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


I have a book signing on September 10, 2011.  The location is the Main Street Coffee House, 107 South Main, Independence, Missouri from 10:00 am to 1:00pm.  The Main Street Coffee House is at the Independence Square.  SEE YOU THERE....


Many cities are having problems with youth out on the streets after dark.  Too many reported cases of youth causing trouble at night have also made the news.  Many city governments have instituted curfews for youth to be off the streets.  Then the city begin to discuss a manner in which the community can service the youth after dark so the youth have something to do.  I think the youth should do community service, the community serving the youth.  If a community keeps a child busy during the daylight then the child will be more tired and stay home to sleep at night.  This is the natural pattern of life.  Work hard during the day at required chores and then a restful sleep is the reward.  This is the lesson for the youth to learn.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


There was an article about my book in the Independence Examiner.  The article was written by Frank Haight.  Please visit the webpage listed and the website for the book.  I hope to have you as a reader of my book and a regular member and contributor of this blog.  Thanks for the support.


Society must start to take notice of the youth.  If youth rule the daytime, the youth will rule the nighttime.  In school if a youth talks dirty or demeaning, dresses inappropriately and just hangs around not doing the work, these infractions are only looked upon as a ‘slap on the wrist.’  The school is not taking enough disciplinary steps to redirect behavior while making each youth behave better and abide by the rules.  At night and after school, inappropriate dress, nasty, demeaning and disparaging language and just hanging around and not doing work are a major cause for ‘youth flash mobs’ and youth misbehavior.  Like I said, if the youth get by with no discipline during the day, they think they will get by with no discipline during the night.  Schools must enforce dress uniforms, proper usage of all language and not negotiable finishing and comprehension of all subject assignments.  Who ensures all this is followed?  The adults must take the leadership role to redirect all youth in school so they behave proper and not just hang around.  In short, each youth does work each day.  Change adults so they are more restrictive to the youth, more straightforward in directing inappropriate behavior and dress and discipline harsh enough so each youth is redirected to stay within expectations.  But teachers wait for administrators to be the first adult to enforce a rule.  The administrator waits for the teacher to be the first adult to enforce a rule.  The parent waits for the police or school to contact them to say their child is acting inappropriately.  The police is waiting for the parent to monitor and discipline their child for acting or dressing inappropriately.  So why the wait?  Each adult must act as an adult and redirect and take charge in changing the youth.  Wait no more. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011


America has changed over the years from a society of manufacturing industries to service industries.   Service industry is based upon appeasing the client.  Service industry is measured on the end result, usually making a sale.  Service industry is more likely to cut corners with the client so that the end result is met.  Manufacturing industry is based upon the accountability for the assembly of the product.  Manufacturing industries are about the means along the process towards reaching an end of a well assembled and accountable product.  Public school education has changed over the same period in time.  Public school education has a means and an end.  The means is each student’s daily comprehension, understanding  and accountability towards each subject.  The means in school is to produce a student who knows each subject matter and is accountable for that gained knowledge.  The end of a public school education is the issuing of the diploma.   More emphasis is placed by school districts upon the end which translates into more diplomas awarded to students.  Less emphasis is placed upon student understanding and comprehension during the high school education.   Students are held less accountable and within lower standards for comprehension along the means.  Correct spelling, proper grammar usage, math proficiency, historical information, writing ability, scientific concepts, etc.  are not as important as it used to be when America was a manufacturing society.  Schools are educating and appeasing students towards an end of receiving a diploma only.  This is a symptom of a service industry society.   Public schools are turning into a service industry.  Public schools should revert back to a manufacturing mode to produce a better product,  accountable fully educated graduated student.   Then each end product, the student awarded a diploma, is of measurable and accountable quality this USA society deserves and requires as we progress more and more into the 21st century.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


This week in Atlanta numerous teachers, administrators and superintendents were revealed to have changed students  scores on standardized tests.  The report indicated this unprofessional practice is  widespread across America and not localized to any particular geographic region.  Too many educators have only two goals in their careers.  The first goal is to reach tenure with a school district.  Then the union can give them protection through job security.  The only other goal for too many educators is retirement.  Educators submit to cheating and sub-par practices to make their student and the district meet and better achievements and set statistical data. The powers overseeing the school district often narrow their look at data, not the individual student’s comprehension of said subject material.  “Students aren't knowledgeable, and are probably lazy and procrastinate, so they cheat. These are crimes based on a lack of knowledge. It's a terrible character trait to develop” Quote by  Fran Cohen.  As my book is about character traits I fully agree with the words of Fran Cohen.  The educator is deficient and lazy while not doing their job and knowledge so the student performance is acceptable.   Educators should not only do what is expected, they must do what is correct.  Let me conclude this entry with a description of the school district the educators have made through cheating.  Sri Guru Granth Sahib wrote,  “ Cheating is eating a rotting carcass.”  

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Many parents are involved  in their children’s school sports.  Parents should put as much involved participation in their children’s school class room.  Football, basketball, baseball, soccer, etc. are just sports, which translate to mean a game.  School sports are like the lottery.  Each player goes into play with a certain practiced skill. Each player takes a chance at winning.  Both the lottery and school sports contests have one winner.  No matter if only two play against each other or thousands play, only one winner is victorious.  Many parents pay attention to their child participating in a sporting match or game, every inning or down, while encouraging their child to do their best at executing each task to the best of the student’s ability.  The parent yells at the top of their lung to their child how to use their skill each down, swing, kick, move, etc.  The parent does not want their child to lose their chance at being better and recognized  in sport.  The parent wants the child to be the winner.  Too many parents never pay any attention to the class room from which their child is daily educated.  Each day, hour, second every school student is influenced by some subject matter or learning experience.  School class rooms are where most of the children will be exposed to past events, present events, opinions, facts, lessons and appropriate group behavior.  The class room subject and its message is where most students will pull their future livelihood. Too many parents do not know who the teacher is leading all this knowledge exposure for their child.  Each parent and teacher must come together the same as on the sporting field and arena, and team up to make sure each student uses their skill to the best of their ability.  Education in the class room is not up to chance.  Success in the class room equates a student’s effort and the resultant achievement. Each student can be the winner.  The only competition is the student and the comprehension of the subject matter.  Pat Riley said,  ‘There are only two options regarding commitment.  You are either in or out.  There is no option in life as in-between.’  Parents must put the same effort into the daily life of their child in the class room and its curriculum as their child participating during sport.  Teachers must nurture an environment, dialogue and platform for the parent to be in full participation.