Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Student Loan Forgiveness

The government needs to consider forgiving student loan debt.  The government bailed out companies who knowing lost millions if not billions of dollars.  The outcome was decline of many jobs from able bodied citizens.  Those citizens who lost jobs went through rough times.  Some lost their homes, marriages, confidence and more.  Students take the loans to increase their education to enter the job market with credible skills and start their lives as productive citizens.  The government will gladly loan the money.  After graduation the economy has few jobs to make a living and pay back the loaned amount.  The graduate, too much of the time, moves back in with their parents.  They get meager jobs which only pay back the loan with a mere pittance left over for them to enjoy.  If the government would partially or fully forgive the loans, the graduate could start life.  The graduate would become economically active and start spending while setting up their life.  The taxes paid to the government in doing this would most probably offset the paying back of the loans.  Student loan repayment only create interest on the loan going to the government.  More economically active people will create taxes, increase demand for more job creation and maybe contribute to the social security system.  Seems closer to the win-win situation the government likes.  There has been the long time adage we all know,  ‘Leave a better planet for our children.’  I now say, ‘Leave better children for our planet.’

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Future

Everybody talks about leaving a better planet for the children.  Why don't we talk about leaving better children for the planet?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Life Is An Art

Life is an art.  Be sure to exhibit your own color, texture, pattern or design.

Saturday, May 19, 2012