Tuesday, February 1, 2011

No More Waiting for Superman - Be Superadults Today

There is no time for the educational system of our students to be ’Waiting for Superman.’  Each adult must be a superadult (superman) for each student.  Superman was faster than a speeding bullet, stronger than a locomotive and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.  Each adult could do the same, if portraying the correct character traits.
Each adult can be straightforward (faster than a speeding bullet).  Too many times the adults are reactive not proactive.  Teachers by sending reports or making telephone calls home to parents are to inform the parent of issues, after the fact, in a reactive trait.  Superadults will be straightforward and proactive.  Super teachers and the school district will observe the student and report matters to the home before inappropriate action escalates.  The adult in the life of a youth must be faster than a speeding bullet.
Each superadult must behave with restriction and with resolve when enforcing rules to a youth (stronger than a locomotive).  The adult and teacher are the enforcers of established rules.  All involved must be consistent in the enforcement of each rule.  Superadults are restrictive and of strong resolve like the power of a locomotive.
Each superadult is a grown-up (able to leap tall buildings in a single bound).  Adults must dress the part of being a grown-up, make an appearance in their child’s (student’s) life and live so as to be witnessed by the youth.  Youth observe each grown-up more than listen to each grown-up.  It is paramount for the superadult to be grown-up and acting in a mature manner, standing tall enough to leap a tall building.
Time is here for all superadults to take the charge of raising the youth and to be superman in their traits which they shall put on display.  The educational system is waiting for superadults, let's give them what they desire. 
An African saying is,  ‘A child's fingers are not scalded by a piece of hot yam which his mother puts into his palm.’  It is time for all adults to become the superadults for their children, now, so our educational system will improve and our students will find educational success.

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